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Welcome Worry Warts!

Worry less, create joy and find your inner badass. 

A shout out to my perfectionists, worry warts and those that have a superhero power to make a mountain out of every molehill. Congratulations--You're probably anxious. Welcome!

Anxiety symptoms show up differently in everyone. Some folks notice negative self talk, ruminating thoughts and racing thoughts. Other folks experience more body symptoms and sensations such as headaches, stomachaches and muscle tension. The truth is, if you experience anxiety, you probably experience both types of anxiety at different times, different intensities and different durations. 

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Most anxious folks have a distorted sense of self, interrupted sleep and unexplained medical issues like stomachaches, sweating and muscle tension. 

You may also notice: 
- Restlessness and fidgeting
- Racing heartbeat and chest tightness
- Difficulty focusing or paying attention
- Changes in your appetite
- Shortness of breath or shallow breathing
- Inability to turn your mind off
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Blurry vision and headaches
- Fatigue and feeling exhausted more often than the norm


Therapy Treatment for Anxiety

The treatment of anxiety includes the treatment of your mind and body. To reduce negative self talk and flooding of emotions, we will use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to treat your anxiety symptoms. However, it's also important to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle which includes good sleep hygiene, physical activity, healthy nutrition and hydration, and pleasant activities (that's the technical term for having a little fun)!

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